Sunday, November 13, 2011

Would Obama vs Huntsman be a win/win?

The one guy on the GOP bench who could rightly be called a STATESMAN is Jon Huntsman, and few on either side have his international experience. He is living demonstration of what is right about Mormon social values, and yet is open-minded and tolerant, and not on a religious mission. The rest are politicians, flacks, and tent-show evangelists whose talent is playing the election TV reality show game, and who are chosen for their "electability" by voters who are sold candidates like brands of pizza, with slogans and single-issue mantras, not for their qualifications for actually holding the job. And the GOPs election strategy has long been to focus not on their own candidates beyond iconification, but upon the horrors they allege to Obama and why to not vote for him... and instead for the default Notobama. By me, that is low-class politics, however effective, and I am unfavorably impressed with candidates who employ it.

Though I think not a "leftist" I believe we have unfortunately lost our sense of America being a mutually-supporting community which creates what I call "collective wealth" ... which I think government has the potential to be the best way to obtain. Our new-deal dams and highways are a good example (and our schools should be). It is not in the direct interest of any individual or private company to create such things, yet all of both greatly profit by their existence. I believe a state medical system could be run like that most effectively and at a very small fraction of the current cost... a subject on which I've got several articles and videos.

Those most vocal these days about being "real Americans" seem mostly about defending a select group of "us" behind gated walls with rifles to keep the hordes of "them" out. The very idea that government should provide something to everyone without regard for their having done something to individually "deserve" it has itself become demonized as "socialism," the current horror word that explains and justifies everything.

Without getting into the issues, I have great admiration for President Obama. I have no trouble discerning the difference between what I hear him say, and what the rightnik pudnits tell me he is saying, and between what I see him do and what they say is wrong about it. His credentials are impeccable, unless you would discount the State of Hawaii, INS, State Dept, FBI, Electoral Commission, Electoral College, Supreme Court, etc etc, and reluctantly even both houses of Congress... and also impugn the integrity of the Board Of Regents of what is arguably the most prestigious school of law in the world. Though his detractors openly flaunt and even applaud their willingness to employ whatever dirty tactics they can to destroy him, he has behaved with grace and forbearance.

So, I find things I agree and disagree with on both the Left and the Right, and whatever might be said about the party machines or ideology they represent, I'd say Huntsman vs. Obama would be a win/win race for the people. Those are American good guys.

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