Saturday, July 24, 2010

The War On Mexicans

Our Second Stupidest Mistake

The criminalization of being Mexican and the making of war against them is the second stupidest mistake we have made in the last decade, the stupidest being the granting of unaccountable and unconstitutional power to the covert elements of our government by the deceitful initiation of the unjust wars of aggression against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

If that smirking Hermann-Goering-doppleganger Arizona Sheriff Arpaio were ever to be caught alone in Mexico within 100 miles of that border he is so ready to start shooting people over without his gang of club-packing “corrective” goons it is a crime to refuse to grovel before, his head would be on a stick in ten minutes and his body bloating in the sun like a rotting beached whale. Anyone with the most simple sense of the difference between justice and kneejerk law enforcement would have to agree that he deserved it. The same is true of that soulless walking mummy they call their Governor in that state.

The border to Mexico should be wide open, and Mexico a place as it once was, where any American could go with their families and be welcomed, and our country a place where any Mexican could come here and with no more fanfare than it takes to register to vote, sign up for the right to be here. Mexicans make good Americans, or at least they used to before the right-wing fascists of our Republican government made enemies of them. They should be made welcome here, and given the opportunity to do honest work, admitted to our schools and armies, instead of being driven into the criminal underground in order to survive as they try to help their families.

At some point, when we have built the DMZ (De-Mexicanized Zone) on our border, and battalions of armed peacekeepers crouch on that line in the sand with rifles pointed south, we will be violently shown that the enemy is then behind them, already here across the border, about fifty million of them, some citizens, some with papers, and some with nothing but their hunger and their rage. That, unfortunately, is exactly what the “patriots” of the police state are waiting for.

As everyone from Macchiavelli to Orwell has pointed out for centuries, the militant authoritarian security state needs two enemies to survive. One of those is an undefinable foreign enemy, preferably of a different race and religion, one not limited to a particular nation or even a particular activity or ideology. Those are the “terrorists” to be feared, and endless war made against. The other is internal, justifying the treatment of every person in the country as a potential enemy, and therefore subject to the law enforcement modalities of the penal society. Those are now the Mexicans, whose capital crime is simply to be here. The third most powerful factor in such control is a crime which almost everyone commits. Whether through the use of prohibited common herbs or of misused prescriptions to addictive pharmos, that crime is the drugs. When all of us are either suspects, convicts, or on probation, it no longer matters what “rights” the citizens have by law, because those categories of people no longer have citizens’ rights. Where those crimes are made felonies, a point is reached where only those working for law enforcement still have the right to vote. Eventually, as in such states as the historic tragedies of communist Russia, China, and North Korea, everyone is in prison, either in chains, or in uniform.

Whether or not it is still possible to stop it is hard to say, but none can say you were not warned it was coming. When even the Libertarians are howling that common human rights and simple dignity and compassion are only for “us” and not for “them,” then it becomes difficult to say we still ought to have hope.

James Nathan Post
Albuquerque NM

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ask A General? Get A War.

Ask A General? Get A War.

Sometimes things seem oddly simplistic to me that appear to go right over everybody else's head. Try this one: If you have a problem, and you take it to an architect, he will design you a building. If you take the problem to a doctor, he will write you a prescription; to a warden, he will improve security. There is a broad presumption that in matters of foreign affairs, particularly with nations hostile to us, the military assessment of the situation should prevail. If you take your problem to a general, he will recommend you start a war, and tell you how to run it. If entering a war was ill-advised in the beginning, then to make talk of leaving it into heresy, defeatism, or treason is doubly foolish. Now we hear them saying after eight years of George Bush's accomplishments in Afghanistan, we are losing Obama's War.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Total Separation of Medicine and State?

The Libertarians inform me that Obamacare is wrong, and the correct fix for our abysmal public health system is total separation of medicine and government. I believe they might be on the right track here, if by TOTAL separation they mean to end the laws which make it illegal for anyone to provide to anyone else any kind of ameliorative care without the certifications of the AMA. Open up medicine to true free market competition, and the cost would plummet. End government enforcement of the medical industry’s monopoly on the right to sell medical products and services, and more important, their right to define what is and what is not medicine such that they should have a market monopoly on it, and the price of common health care would go down like a pompom boy in the shower. You'd still pay a ton for a robot heart, or a transplant, but you could get a couple of stitches or a tooth pulled for the cost of an oil change in your car.

I'm all for private business, large and small. I know it’s not what they teach you to get that MBA, which I don’t have, but it seems to me there has to be a point at which something is more important to anyone selling a product or a service than the money he can make doing it. I could be wrong about that.

Don't whine to me about how we have to have the government in there with their law enforcement pistoleros to "protect us" from quacks, or from our own vices. A real free market would quickly weed out the medical quacks. Like being able to tell whether a line of cars is fine engineering, or painted up lemons, we are able to tell the good healers from the quacks without even a lot of education. The healers will clean you up, sew you up, get your body running correctly, and teach you how to take care of it. The quacks will sell you a lifetime prescription for symptom-treating pharmaceuticals that are poisonous and addictive as junk, so you can't quit taking them.... QUACK QUACK QUACK!

What about the good doctors? There are certainly many of them. But… when it costs half a million bucks and more just to get that MD, and half of that every year to buy insurance to protect themselves from predatory suit, and they must charge the patient for superfluous tests made to protect the doctor from the potential plaintiff’s lawyer, the system does not favor the individual who would like to be a genuine health care provider to the commonly-paid citizen.

The political solution to the health care problem? Fuggittaboutit! You could elect the ghost of Lincoln, or Roosevelt, either of them, hell, you could bring back Ronald Reagan, and as long as the discussion is not about providing actual health CARE to people, but only about using the IRS or the Courts and Police to provide mandatory health INSURANCE premiums, we aren't going to succeed, and we'll continue to drop dead addicted to phony opiates and tranquilizers, or go bankrupt for a week’s stay in the Healin’ Hilton. As long as so-called "free market conservatives" think if the CEOs and stockholders are making money our health care system is working, we people won't have real health care, employed or not. Don't forget that for the medical industry, providing health care benefits is not the profit part, it is the expense part, and they will do their best to minimize it. Ever scratch your car? You find your insurance company has a staff of "adjustors" whose job is to find a way to justify paying you less, while raising your premiums. What makes you think medical insurance is different? As with the salaried people who work for the corporations: paying “workers” is not the company's objective, it is just another of its expenses, which they want to minimize. The objective is Conservatively clear: enable the few who hold the papers of ownership of the corporations to make money, and the more the better, ad absurdum. It is basic trickle-down theory, whether under feudal lords, gangsters, CEOs, Popes, or kings, that as long as the rich are getting richer, the rest of us will grow fat on the crumbs falling from their table. Even good shepherds do not build folds because they love the sheep, but because they know the price of mutton and wool. Don't look now, Little Bo Peep, but what is on that table is lamb chops. Baaaaa! Baaaaa!

Do You Defend The Constitution?

Do You Defend the Constitution? Even Against Christians?

About that Constitution some claim to love so fundamentally, and call on our leaders to respect and obey. America is NOT a Christian nation. It was very deliberately and wisely created as a secular nation, Newt notwithstanding. My copy of the First Amendment says, " law respecting an establishment of religion...." That is, the law may not be used to promote the dogma or doctrine of any establishment of religion, including any and all sects of Christianity. It also says, "....nor prohibiting the free practice thereof..." That is, even religions which Christians hate cannot be prohibited or persecuted by law, even if some individuals among them perform anti-American acts. There is no question about the Constitutionality of this, whether we like it or not. The right of Muslims to erect a Mosque near or on the WTC site is clearly protected, whether foolish or not.

If 9/11 had been perpetrated by a small group of fanatical renegade Zionist Jews, (like the Al Qaida Muslims) would it then be all right for the USA to carpet bomb Israel, or to deny the right to build synagogues in America, or to start identifying all the Jews and refusing them airline tickets?

The few Muslim Americans I know are exceptionally patriotic, though struggling today with being demonized and their children abused in public and in school. If the Bible-whacking Jingoists treat them badly enough to turn them against us, whose fault is that? After turning the 40 million Mexicans and Mexican-Americans who are already in this country into our nation's angry enemies, do we really need another internal enemy who used to be our friend?

The basic error in the Holy Wars lies in the most fundamental principles which are at the root of all of the factions of the religions based on the occult idol known as The God Of Abraham. The three major factions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are each now nuclear armed and prepared to destroy the world to prove their version of the absurd soap-opera of Eden is more true than the others, and God will give what is left of the world to them alone. If you really care about God, the Earth, the United States Of America, or the human race, you might take a second look at that story.
James Nathan Post NO THANK YOU JESUS