Friday, July 29, 2011

What If We Did Make Gold Dollars?

If we ever again issued money with real Constitutional value, what would we do about the fact we are $11T in FRN debt to a private bank with global power? We smartly say, "Tell them to write it off," but can we actually do that? Can any debtor "repeal" the bank to which he is indebted? What would we tell the world when they come to cash in the trillions of FRNs they are holding as oil reserve accounts, bonds, investments in US corporations, and other such instruments of the arcane world of global finance? What would the Treasury tell them, and what would the Fed say?

What about all of us non-corporate non-capitalized just regular ol' peckerwoods? Apart from a few coin-collection curiosities worth many times more FRNs than their face value, who among us has any real Constitutional dollars? Nobody. Mostly, we don't even have FRNs, we only have numbers in some bank's computerized account somewhere, and most of us are upside-down mortgaged, credit-card maxed, and have no real property of any value whatsoever. If we take our digital FRNs to the new treasury, how many will we need to buy one real gold dollar? 2000/1? 20,000? How many Euros will it take to buy one gold dollar, when a million old FRNs won't buy one Euro?

Just who actually owns America's gold now, the Treasury?... or the Fed which issued trillions more in FRNs than the Constitutional value of the "reserves" on which our gold-certificate money was first printed, and replaced by fiat trade paper? Can the Fed "repossess" that gold collateral for non-payment of FRN debt... or has it done that already?

Would we spend our new real money to buy the rare-earth metals and other non-US natural resources we need to defend ourselves if we shook our pretty high-tech sabres (using Japanese chips made in China) and told the rest of the world to eat their losses?

Do you suppose at some point the world-ignorant, provincial-minded, isolationist, bigoted, consumer-obese, doctor-addicted, mortgaged, and nationally indebted American people will have to be taught that our country, like all the rest, is simply a big self-defined club with rules and dues, in legal fact just a corporation with a bank account and an (overdue) credit line, and not the uniquely-blessed, exceptional, and immeasurably-superior ordained and entitled National Creation of Abraham's God Himself we have let the teachers, preachers, politicians, and pundits tell us it is?

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