Thursday, June 30, 2011

Palin and Bachmann

Palin and Bachmann

They look alike, and represent the same values, which are after all very good American values, of family, community, business, and church -- as long as they are not taken to be exclusively correct. All the positive spin and juice the charismatic cheerleading political sophomore Sarah Palin has generated with her Lady GopGod act can now be transferred to Bachmann, who does not suffer from Palin's negative counterpoints in education and intellect.

Sister Sarah thought she was the Chosen One, but she's just Jane The Baptist, whipping up a ballyhoo in front of the big voting tent, preparing the way for GOP (God's Own President) Bachmann, to make her the most powerful woman in the world since Cleopatra and the most highly annointed since The Virgin Mary. (And to keep Sarah Jane from stealing the show, at some point someone will cut off her head, and throw it to the crowd at the Convention in Bachmann's name.) To those who value any freedom beyond Sunday-school rules imposed by the power of irresistible enforced law, Bachmann is a true horror, as she is "Palin with brains" educated in arguing the law on behalf of her indoctrination in the powerful right-wing American extremist Christian Dominionist sect (Oral Roberts grad, I believe). Like Mr. Gingrich, she is well aware the 1st Amendment prohibits the use of the law to respect the dogma or doctrine of any establishment of religion, but she believes her Christian allegiance is to "a Higher Law" than the Constitution, and to "a Higher Truth" than science or history, so her religion's establishment is exempt from that restriction.

Bachmann is precisely the icon of what is wrong with the GOP today, for all its tradition of good Conservative principles, and for all her obvious qualifications -- clearly she is a competent and intelligent person, but she leads in a deliberately orchestrated religious coup de etat, intended to usurp the secular power of the police state to enforce the "social conservative" values of her sect. Her sect's brand of Christianity, and their politics, is not to feed the hungry and comfort the widow, but to favor the wealthy as being most blessed, and to wield the deadly sword of God's Justice to scourge the land of liberal corruption, and to reap the golden harvests that have been fertilized so many years with the seed-blood-money of martyrs in freedom's cause. They would raise the cross and flag as though following Jane The Arc, and wage The Final War On Sin, God help us all.

James Post

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